Data Analysis
Qualitative Data Coding
Translating rich qualitative data involves coding, or thematically tagging, text in interview or focus group transcripts or field notes. We can help you with data analysis in a number of ways: We can code the data with you, training you and your team as we go, or our team of highly-skilled coders can thematically code your data for you, using your thematic codebook.
Data Analysis Oversight
We can provide on-going training and oversight to your team, including how to use various software packages. QHRC’s standards, oversight, and techniques ensure high intercoder reliability for accurate analysis and reporting in research.
Training in Qualitative Data Analysis Packages
Our team is expert at working with multiple qualitative data analysis software including NVivo, Dedoose and ATLAS.ti. We can assist you in selecting the right software for your project, design and structure your data analysis project with you, or provide training and technical assistance for you and your team. Whatever your QDA need, we can meet it.
Queries and Memos
Once your data are coded in a QDA software package, your data analysis journey is just beginning! Your next steps will involve running “queries” – lists of every utterance in your data set tagged with a particular thematic code – and translating those queries into analytic memos, which answer the who, what, where, when and why questions of your research. QHRC assists researchers in all phases of qualitative data analysis by providing on-going support and collaboration, training your team on analysis methods, and writing up your results for publication.
Qualitative Writing Assistance
Writing up the results of qualitative data is part science, part art. Whether you are seeking publication in a high-impact journal or creating a report from qualitative research, we can help you present your results vividly and accurately. QHRC has a proven track record of teaching researchers from many disciplines to work with qualitative data. Whether we train you in a a short course, work with you in qualitative writing groups, or write up your results for you, you will be thrilled with the results.