Research Training
Interviewer Training
Your study is only as good as the data you collect. And unlike survey researchers, who need only a pleasant speaking voice and the ability to follow a script to be effective, qualitative interviewers need a high degree of skill to guide respondents through semi-structured interviews. They must be able to think with the mind of the Principal Investigator and understand the research aims well enough to know when to go off script when respondents mention a promising new topic. They must be able to establish rapport with a wide range of respondents, put them at ease, and encourage them to speak freely and frankly. They must know how to probe, how to listen for “codeable utterances,” and to know when to stop probing. Interviewer teams must be attuned so that, even with the most open-ended interview guide, they maintain consistency across interviewers and across respondents.
With decades of data collection experience, we can train you and your interview team in interview basics, onboard them to any interview guide, and oversee quality in data collection in ongoing interview oversight meetings.
Basic Interviewer Training: Two 2-hour sessions
Onboarding to Interview Guides: Three 2-hour sessions
Ongoing Interview Oversight: One 2-hour meeting per month
Research Ethics, Data Security and Compliance
Qualitative data are risky data. They include deeply personal stories, many identifiers, and often, HIPAA-protected, Personal Health Information (PHI). We can train you and your team how to collect and analyze qualitative data using the highest ethical standards, help you minimize risk, and teach you how to streamline your data deidentification processes. Our training covers everything from the most secure equipment and cloud-based storage solutions, to best practices in fieldwork, transcription, and data analysis.
Design Your Project for Data Security: Two 2-hour consultations, plus research design time
Best Practices in the Field: Two 2-hour sessions
Transcription for Data Security: Two 2-hour sessions
HIPAA Training: Two 2-hour sessions
Data Analysis – NVivo
NVivo 12 is the most powerful Qualitative Data Analysis software in the world. It allows researchers to thematically tag and code text, photos or film, and can manage large datasets with ease. However, NVivo is now the most user-friendly software, and takes a bit of work to master. At QHRC, we have a track record of success in designing qualitative codebooks to meet any research need and training teams to use the software with ease. Trainings can be delivered remotely, via zoom, or in person.

The Logic of Qualitative Codebook Design: Two 2-hour sessions, plus consultation on the right coding approach for your data
Qualitative Data Management: One 2-hour session on naming conventions and data management guidelines to keep you on top of your data forever
The Basics of Qualitative Coding in NVivo: Two 3-hour sessions, including a trial run and intercoder reliability kappa score for your team
Working with Coding Queries: One 2-hour session, how to work with NVivo’s output to move your coded project into the analysis and writing phase
Writing with Qualitative Data
Writing up your qualitative research results is half art, half science. QHRC has helped numerous PIs write-up their data and publish it in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals. We can train your team to work with queries and analytic memos in one or two sessions, or facilitate ongoing qualitative writing groups.
Intro to Working with NVivo Queries and Writing Analytic Memos: Two 2-hour sessions
Qualitative Writing Groups: Two hours per session – biweekly or monthly
“Without NVivo, we could not have been able to take state specific statutes and case-laws, and show national trends.”
Loka Ashwood, PhD